8 Potential Ways Of How Email Marketing Helps Your Business To Grow
Email marketing is a method of connecting to your clients via email. It is an essential tool for organizations in the world of the fast internet because it offers easy and interactive communication. Email marketing is popular because of it is simple and inexpensive. If done properly, it can also generate a number of sales for the company.
The proposition behind email marketing is that you as a business entrepreneur create a list of clients/subscribers who wish to hear from you or share the same business insight as for your own. You then market to them by sending email periodically with your offers/promotions to stay ahead of the rest and make more sales. As this is no new concept, you might consider it an obsolete method of marketing, but be assured, email marketing is a strategy no company should ever ignore. Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your audience, build new customers, bring in new visitors for your web page, increase brand value, and fixate your authority over the market.
You understand the value of new customers as well as current customers, and you wish to have them coming back to you for more, but can’t afford to invest more time or resources; then email marketing is your immediate solution. It is the most efficient solution that gives you the power to reach the customers at a place they are meant to visit every day – their email inbox. If you are still not convinced, then here are 8 ways how email marketing helps your company grow.
An email delivers your message
Gated content works best in 2 ways; drive traffic towards a good content and make traffic provide some basic information in exchange. Gated content is exactly as it sounds like. Contents remain hidden behind an online gate and if readers are interested in to go through the content they need to fill up a short form with some basic information for access. Promoting gated content more on social media augments leads generation. One of the most important features of Gated Content is to have quality content on a simple landing page.
The email looks professional
An email marketing scheme isn’t child’s play. It takes a lot of planning, creativity, designs and relevant content to be finalized and put up. You can add contents of your own preference, your company banner and logos to make it more attractive and at the same time more professional.
Email marketing has larger reach
The total number of email accounts is projected to reach 4.9billion by 2017 (source: Radicati). In contrast to that, Facebook has over 1billion users, and Twitter has 255million. That means there are almost 3times more email accounts than social media account combined. Social media is considered the most effective way to reach a mass audience, but the stats seem to differ. Think of it this way, you don’t need a facebook or tweeter account to open an email account, but it goes the other way. To maintain a presence online, you must need an email account, thus proving there is no route with a wider reach than that of email.
Email marketing steers conversions
All marketers focus on driving conversations, whether this in form of sales lead, membership or any other business strategy, the ultimate goal is to turn potential visitors to customers. And when it comes to such conversions, email marketing is the most powerful channel of all. The average click through rate of email campaigns is 20% of the total recipient while the average rate from tweeter is around 0.5% (Source: Monetate). That means you are 100times more likely to get someone to click through to your website via email than the tweeter.
Email marketing has higher ROI
Email marketing yields an average 3800% return on investment, which means for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $38 (Source: VentureBeat). This is because email marketing focuses on delivering personalized and relevant messages to the audience. Your posts in social networks are read by followers regardless their location, interest, etc. Email, on the other hand, allows you to target specifically the people that are highly likely to be interested in the offer that you are promoting, or the service that your company is trying to sell.
Email is considered the most preferred communication method
Most people in the social networks keep the level of communication strictly within their friends and family members. On the other hand, email is a much more professional method and people expect to receive any kind of business information or product/service details through email only. Studies show that 72% people prefer email for receiving promotional or business contents compared to 17% who prefer social media. (Source: MarketingSherpa)
Email is an open platform
The issue with social websites like Facebook and Tweeter is that they are owned and controlled by 3rd party entities, and marketers are bound to follow the changes they make to their platform. Email, on the other hand, isn’t owned or controlled by any one particular entity. It is an open communication platform and there are several different services that provide access to sending and receiving email.
Email is forever
Social sites tend to lose their follower/member count along with the change in trend. The once very active MySpace had it followers moving into other social websites within 4 years of being in operation. Email, on the contrary, has a long history of stability. Email marketing has been consistently growing from the day they started their campaign, and email itself has developed to a point where its tools accredit marketers to create and send branded and well organized emails.
Over the years, email marketing has been an extremely successful tool for marketing. Some experts may believe that the era of email marketing is over, but email still is the most powerful business communication tool that is used on regular basis.
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